Monday, July 25, 2005

These are some of my closest friends. One woman from this group is missing however, and I would get my butt kicked if I didn't mention her here. Her name is Melissa, and from left to right in the picture it's Laura, Chloe, Me and Jen. We went to Jr. High together and still remain friends 13 years later. Somehow, we haven't killed each other yet, and trust me, I'm still in shock about that! We each have very dynamic personalities, to put it politely, and each of us in our own way is very outspoken. I thought, as my first post to this blog, I would talk about friends. They are an interesting part of life. They can make you laugh and cry, scream and shout, and drink and dance. No doubt they complicate matters sometimes, but it's worth the drama and chaos, because all that stuff doesn't outweigh the good. Well, now that i've made half the people who read this throw up, I'll move on. Ever wonder why you have several different groups of friends, yet none of those individual groups are friends? It's like schizophrenic friend-groups. Each different group represents a differenet personality in the same person. I wonder if they have a name for it. I could ask my soon-to-be Social Worker roommate. I bet she would know, or at least laugh at me and tell me I'm nuts. Which would probably be the case, but I think I'm onto something here. Each group of friends that I have are very different. In style, manner, hobbies, etc. Don't get me wrong, they're all great people in different ways, but their appeal to me is unique. Not unlike a schizophrenic using different personalities to deal with life. Granted, the biggest difference there is sanity. But hey, what's a little craziness between friends. Anyway, I'll leave off with that thought and pray that people actually believe I have friends instead of making them up in my head.


At 1:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So I definetly do not think that you are crazy for believing that different groups of friends serve different purposes. However, I must use this space to distinguish between schizophrenia and multiple personalities disorder. And if we must connect various groups of friends to mental illnesses, i would put it under the category of multiple personalities, because technically each of your friends will reflect a unique aspect of your personality, much like to personalities that individuals assume when they have multiple personality disorder. Anyway, I like what you are saying here, and whole-heartedly agree, even if I am the soon-to-be social worker roommate.

At 2:56 PM, Blogger Snowbird said...

See, don't you just have to love the psycho talk. It just makes so much sense...and I knew I was onto something! Thanks Beccs!


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