Thursday, August 18, 2005

I just wanted to welcome the newest edition of my family to everyone. His name is Riley Williams. He hails from Missouri and came by way of airplane to New York, just for me. He was born June 1 and is now a fit 2.9 pounds. He's giving me sleepless nights but endless entertainment. He slips and slides on the wood floor, constantly falling flat on his belly, will lay there for a split second then jump back up and start running and falling all over again. Today is the first day I've left him alone for this long. I'm praying he won't destroy my apartment by the time I get home. He's a clever little guy, constantly figuring out ways to get through the gate to the rest of the apartment. Becca and I came home the other day, and found him trying to sprint back to the right side of the gate before we could catch him. He's fast, but not that fast. One look at his face though, and it's hard to get mad. I just can't wait until he's fully trained. My life will be somewhat back to normal after that.


At 11:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL...picturing your dog rushing back to get on the right side of the gate...uh...i can almost realate to that kind of behavior!!



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