Thursday, September 08, 2005

Single's Stories: Don't try this at home - Brooke Riley

Standing on a New York City Street with your thumb stuck up in the air isn’t normal behavior by City standards. Especially when you’re not trying to catch a cab, but a man.
You’re probably wondering where a woman would come up with such an outrageous idea. It all started out very innocently, even sweetly, while I was sitting in a co-worker’s office listening to her talk about her wedding plans. It was the first time I got that distinctly female feeling of wanting a family, of wanting to plan a wedding. Of course, having a boyfriend would definitely help the process along, which is where we get to the "snapping of my fingers" on a New York City Street.
That’s how it started out. My co-worker suggested I "get one." A boyfriend, if you’re confused. So I said that I would just go outside and "snap my fingers for one." Obviously, sarcasm wasn’t sticking to her that day because she just looked and me and said, "why don’t you?" I tried very hard to find the joke, I stared at her and waited for the smile to come, but it never did. I walked away thinking to myself that she was definitely crazy.
Back at my desk I still couldn’t figure out how she could have been serious. Who the hell goes out on the street to snap their fingers for a man? It’s unrealistic, and very possibly dangerous. There are men out there that I wouldn’t want answering my snap. So why couldn’t I get the idea out of my head? Could I really be that desperate? Or was it just the masochistic side of me? Or, could it possibly be the idea of a challenge? Of doing the unexpected, even the feared?
I had made up my mind. I was going to do it. Where and when I hadn’t figured out yet, but I decided, and there was no going back.
It was time to do some research. What type of guy did I want to snap up, and where could I find that type of guy? Wall Street or Midtown was where the Suits were, SoHo for the artsy types, Upper East Side if I want a nice Jewish boy. This is going to be a hard decision. I want a Jewish boy who works in midtown but likes to hang out in SoHo. Hmm.


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