Thursday, July 28, 2005

Between a Rock and a Hard Place:
I don't use this phrase that much, at least I didn't until about a year ago. It's an interesting saying that could mean so many different things. I think that's why it has been around for so long. It could be taken literally. A person got stuck between two rocks, let's say. It could be used metaphorically. A person has to make a hard decision between two things they really want to do. It could be used to denote frustration. A person wants to do something, but can't, so is stuck where they are. It's like drowning, and the only way you can live is if you get to the air tanks 100 feet away, but if you move a shark will eat you. Basically, you're screwed. Pretty bad situation to be in, huh? But it could be said that that situation is like being caught between a rock and a hard place.
I know all about this feeling. It's currently my state of living. We've gotten to know each other well, that phrase and I. We've got an intimate relationship. We fight, we laugh, we fight...we fight. I guess you could call it a love - hate relationship. Not unlike many relationships out there these days. Hillary and Bill, although I'm not sure they have much love in that equation, cats and dogs, the dog loves the chase but hates to get scratched when he actually makes the catch, Bosox and Yankees, I hate the Sox, but I love to watch them play the Yanks. See, we're surrounded by it. It's not always a bad thing. Sometimes it could push us to make much needed changes in our lives. It could help facilitate a decision that was years in the making. It could fuel the adrenaline needed for the Yankees to put the curse back on the Sox. Now that's something I'd like to see. Hey, a little bit of sadism never hurt anyone.
But, I digress. Although, that's just an example of how broad the phrase, Between a Rock and a Hard Place, actually is. Everyone who reads this will most likely have used that phrase sometime or another. Regardless, because it's such a prevalent concept in my life right now, I wanted to give it a bit more thought and share my ideas.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


I'm at that age, 25, where all of my friends have decided to get married. I don't know if there's something in the water, or if a little spark goes off in the brain that makes a person say, "oh, now it's time to get married." But it's like a virus that everyone I know has caught or will soon catch. I've had conversations lately that go something like this...
"Guess what?"
"Amy's engaged!"
"That's great!"
"Yeah, the ring's gorgeous, you gotta see it."
"Cool, listen, let me go, I'm going to give her a call."

And this...
"Okay, so we are trying to plan Amy's shower and Michelle's engagement party for the same weekend in Philly so that people only have to come once instead of twice."
"Oh. Okay that would be better I guess."
"Yeah, so keep the date open and I'll let you know."
"Alright, sounds good."
"K, Bye."

Then this....
"Hi Babe."
"Hey, what's going on?"
"Not much. We are going to go to Vegas for Jen's engagement/bachelorette's party."
"Wow, that should be so much fun."
"Yeah, I can't wait."
"Don't have a date yet, but I'm getting on it."
"Oh, okay."
"I'll let you know."
"Alright, gotta go. Talk to you later."
"K, bye."

First of all, can we try to add up all the money that's going to cost. Now, I love my friends and want to see them happy, but I don't MAKE money! Yes, I have a job, but that doesn't mean anything-hear what I'm saying? Also, I majored in English and Journalism, not Math. I can't count that high. So actually we'll just leave the adding to someone else. I'll slowly recover from bankrupcy and my friends will be happy. Ha. I just can't wait to get them all back by getting married myself, which is a double-edged sword because I have no interest at the current time, to get married.
Weddings are an interesting thing though. When there, surrounded by couples, they kind of make you want to be in one (relationships I mean, not the actual wedding). With or without a date, when you're single like I am, it makes you feel a bit behind everyone else. Like I should have a serious boyfriend and I should be on the verge of getting engaged. It's not fair to feel that way, but those are the breaks. And any woman in the same situation would be lying if she said she felt different. But the benefit of going to a wedding single are the men there that are single! You never know, a woman could get lucky!

Monday, July 25, 2005

These are some of my closest friends. One woman from this group is missing however, and I would get my butt kicked if I didn't mention her here. Her name is Melissa, and from left to right in the picture it's Laura, Chloe, Me and Jen. We went to Jr. High together and still remain friends 13 years later. Somehow, we haven't killed each other yet, and trust me, I'm still in shock about that! We each have very dynamic personalities, to put it politely, and each of us in our own way is very outspoken. I thought, as my first post to this blog, I would talk about friends. They are an interesting part of life. They can make you laugh and cry, scream and shout, and drink and dance. No doubt they complicate matters sometimes, but it's worth the drama and chaos, because all that stuff doesn't outweigh the good. Well, now that i've made half the people who read this throw up, I'll move on. Ever wonder why you have several different groups of friends, yet none of those individual groups are friends? It's like schizophrenic friend-groups. Each different group represents a differenet personality in the same person. I wonder if they have a name for it. I could ask my soon-to-be Social Worker roommate. I bet she would know, or at least laugh at me and tell me I'm nuts. Which would probably be the case, but I think I'm onto something here. Each group of friends that I have are very different. In style, manner, hobbies, etc. Don't get me wrong, they're all great people in different ways, but their appeal to me is unique. Not unlike a schizophrenic using different personalities to deal with life. Granted, the biggest difference there is sanity. But hey, what's a little craziness between friends. Anyway, I'll leave off with that thought and pray that people actually believe I have friends instead of making them up in my head.

This is my Creative Blog. Here I will examine personal issues or ideas regarding friends, life, my interests and anything else that falls into those categories. I hope you enjoy.